Through its independent research and consultancy CE Delft is helping build a sustainable world

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We’ve organised our know-how and expertise under 20+ themes, for quick appraisal of how we can best respond to your research question.

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For these organisations CE Delft is making a difference

We work for business, industry, NGOs and government.

Marieke Sanderse researcher/consultant

At CE Delft, I am committed to approaching sustainability issues from a financial perspective and contributing positively to shaping the society of the future.

Michiel Bongaerts researcher/consultant

I am an inspired researcher and committed to using my expertise to contribute to a more sustainable and climate-neutral world

Heleen Groenewegen researcher/consultant

Through my work at CE Delft, I enjoy contributing to a more sustainable world in order to make a positive impact on the environment and society.

Pelle Sinke researcher/consultant

Today's food system has a major impact on climate, nitrogen emissions and land and water use. That system can be made far more sustainable! Some of my research at CE Delft is on innovative proteins like cultured meat.

Cor Leguijt manager Energy & Fuels | team leader Clean Gases

As a physicist I enjoy breaking down big, complex problems into discrete processes with stepwise decision points, giving policy-makers and politicians concrete angles with which they can work.

Isabel Nieuwenhuijse researcher/consultant

I enjoy researching the environmental aspect of innovations to identify scope for improvements and see how these can be implemented, in material and product procurement, for example.

Meet our team

We cherish our staff and their creativity, our independence and in-depth analysis. We’re proud of our specialist know-how and the consultancy skills we use to tackle environmental issues head on.

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Our latest publications

Exploration of heat companies. Sufficient implementation capacity to achieve heat supply targets
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External costs of locally produced cultivated meat compared with three conventional Dutch meat products
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Explanation of a model calculating the use of materials for passenger car battery packs in the Netherlands
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