
Maritime Shipping

Maritime shipping is of vital importance for the global economy and is an indispensable link between the Netherlands and other economies. CE Delft has decades of experience with research and consultancy on climate and environmental policy for ocean shipping.


Although maritime shipping is the most energy-efficient form of transport, it accounts for some 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is a major emitter of air pollutants. Given the targets set out in the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal, these greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced to zero over the next few decades. This will require new types of fuel, involving substantial renewable energy inputs for production and possibly new infrastructure for delivery to vessels, as well as on-board modifications. These changes will not happen of their own accord, but require insight, planning and policy.

Key fields of expertise

  • The policy context, at all levels, and relevant markets
  • Critical assessment of policy instruments
  • Technical and economic aspects of emission abatement
  • New fuels and innovative technologies

For the European Commission, CE Delft has carried out an in-depth analysis of worldwide and European measures to improve ships’ fuel efficiency and induce the shipping industry to switch to renewable fuels. For a number of years we’ve been advising the German Transport ministry on regulation of emissions and energy efficiency by the International Maritime Organisation, IMO. Jasper Faber was the lead author of the Fourth IMO Greenhouse Gas Study on historical and projected maritime shipping emissions that is currently the basis for the organisation’s policy efforts in this area.

What can CE Delft do for you?

Advice for policymakers

CE Delft advises on policies that are both efficacious and cost-effective, while ensuring other sustainability objectives are not hampered and the shipping industry retains due scope for developing and innovating on its own terms.

Analysis and advice for shipowners, ports and environmental NGOs

With its expertise on both the policy context and economic and environmental aspects, CE Delft is well-positioned to advise parties across the board.

Tools and modellen

CE Delft presents its analyses in other forms besides reports. We’ve developed the Environmental Ship Index (ESI), for example, for quantifying the footprint of individual vessels. This can be used for differentiation of harbour dues, as an incentive for cleaner shipping. Today, 30 ports are using the ESI for this purpose.

Reports about ‘Maritime Shipping

Potential of wind-assisted propulsion for shipping
January 2025
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Fuel options for greenhouse gas neutral shipping
January 2025
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Impact of fuel prices on energy efficiency of maritime ships
December 2024
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