CEGOIA – Heat transition in the built environment

CEGOIA can support the decision-making of local governments, system operators and energy companies as they develop visions and plans for the transition from fossil-based to sustainable heating technologies in the built environment.

CE Delft has extensive experience advising local governments, system operators and energy companies on heat transition issues. We use CEGOIA to provide quantitative insight into the costs associated with the various policy and technology options associated with the heat transition.

CEGOIA can be used to provide answers to such questions as:

  • What is the lowest-cost sustainable heating technology in a given neighbourhood?
  • Which neighbourhoods should be prioritised when transitioning to sustainable heating technologies?
  • What is the impact of the transition on the energy infrastructure in a given area?

CEGOIA is an optimisation model with a web-based interactive interface. The model finds the cost-optimal heating technology for each neighbourhood in the area of interest, for example a municipality, province or service area. We can model multiple scenarios, varying parameters such as modelled year, minimum insulation label, availability of green gas and/or hydrogen gas, exclusion of certain technologies, etc. CEGOIA uses data on local building characteristics to tailor its results to your area of interest. The result is the cost-optimal heating technology for each neighbourhood in your area, often providing a springboard for further discussion and policy or investment choices.