
Amsterdam Energy Transition 2040

To engender a transition to sustainable energy systems the municipality of Amsterdam has elaborated an ‘Energy Strategy 2040’ describing the main routes by which this can be achieved in each of the sectors concerned. The document thus provides input for the city’s ‘structural vision’ document for 2040.

The Energy Strategy is set out in terms of CO2 emission cuts, in part because climate policy is one of the strategy’s cornerstones, though certainly not the only one. Among other key elements are social and economic policies. This is because policies to boost energy efficiency and encourage sustainable forms of power generation also require attention to acceptable variable housing costs and security of supply. In addition, policies on building insulation, efficient in-house installations and renewable energy sources like solar cells and wind turbines will have a major impact on regional employment as well as stimulating industrial innovation.

This means the Energy Strategy for 2040 is also an example of forward-looking social and economic policy. In adopting this strategy Amsterdam has chosen to be a front-runner, showing what is feasible and that it is feasible, with an appeal to citizens, industry and other government agencies to follow its lead. The local authority itself is setting a good example by striving for 100% climate-neutrality in 2015. 
