It was agreed in the Dutch Climate Agreement (2019) that a minimum CO2 reduction of 30% must be achieved in hinterland and continental freight transport by 2030. Much of this transport is through the East and Southeast Freight Transport Corridors. The GVC OZO programme for the East and Southeast Freight Transport Corridors has asked CE Delft to provide a forecast of the projected CO2 emissions in 2030, based on national and European policy developments and the contribution of the GVC OZO projects to CO2 reduction in this corridor. Based on realistic projected policy effects, CE Delft estimates that CO2 emissions in the East and Southeast Freight Transport Corridors will be about 17% lower in 2030 than in 1990.
The projects in the GVC OZO programme for the East and Southeast Freight Transport Corridors can contribute to CO2 reductions by 2030 further, bringing CO2 emissions down to 25% compared to 1990 (average estimate). CE Delft therefore concludes that an extra 5% (45 kton) of CO2 must be saved to meet the target, assuming that the remaining projections are realised.
Options for extra CO2 reduction Extra measures are needed to guarantee a 30% CO2 reduction. In the study, CE Delft conducted interviews with various project leaders of the programme as well as stakeholders involved to elicit additional ideas for feasible CO2-reducing projects for the East and Southeast Freight Transport Corridors