
Assessment of ‘Zero-emission Eindhoven’ action plan

In its Climate Decree the Municipal Council of Eindhoven has set itself the ambition of reducing the city’s CO2 emissions by 55% in 2030 relative to 1990 and by 95% in 2050. The same 55% reduction target has also been set for municipal transport emissions (excl. motorways and aviation). Eindhoven intends to achieve these targets by means of measures it can itself influence. Whether the city will succeed in securing the 55% reduction depends in part on the anticipated ‘autonomous’ CO2 emission reduction through to 2030 as well as on the progress made in implementing European and national policies. To secure the CO2 target, on 15 March 2017 a draft ‘Zero-emission mobility action plan’ was drawn up. The Municipality of Eindhoven commissioned CE Delft to assess the efficacy of the action plan in terms of CO2 reduction. This study outlines the projected effects.