The Amsterdam local authority has set itself the target of reducing the city�s annual CO2 emissions by 40% in 2025 compared with 1990 and making the municipal organi-sation carbon-neutral by 2015. These are ambitious targets that demand a vigorous and efficient strategy. CE Delft was commissioned by the authority to review the city�s carbon emissions in 1990 and 2006 and make a projection for 2025, in each case providing a sectoral breakdown. In addition. an extensive list of possible measures was drawn up (the so-called �long list�), indicating their potential contribution to securing the target, their lead time and their cost-effectiveness. On this basis it was concluded that the envisaged target is feasible, but that it will require a maximum effort from all parties. Securing it will depend in part on how successful national and European climate policies prove to be and will require the active participation of the city�s businesses and citizens. It is as yet impossible to identify concrete reduction measures for securing the full tar-get, but given the project�s horizon this is not yet necessary, for innovation is still taking place. What is important is that concrete steps be taken as soon as possible to reverse the upward trend in carbon emissions over the past 15 years and start making substan-tial cuts. Finally, recommendations are made for a monitoring strategy for the CO2 reduction programme, allowing progress to be followed and assessed from time to time and due corrective action to be taken should this prove necessary.