This study examines the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of business parks in the municipality of Eindhoven and possible reduction measures. To this end, the study focuses on twenty business parks scattered throughout the city.
The baseline measurement captures the current energy use of the premises per business park. Energy use for space heating, electricity use for computers and lighting and electricity and gas use for production processes varies per premises and therefore per business park. This means that CO2 emissions also differ. De Hurk, Kade – DAF and GDC Eindhoven Acht stand out as the biggest consumers. This is followed by a number of medium-sized business parks, such as TU/e Campus, Eindhoven Airport, Flight Forum, High Tech Campus, Kade and Kapelbeemd.
Together with the municipality, we have drawn up a number of possible measures to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions at the business parks. These include electrification of processes, solar cells on the roofs of all suitable buildings, natural gas-free heating with heat pumps or a heat network and insulating all utilities to label C. This study calculates the maximum achievable CO2 savings from these measures. We also looked at Green Deals, where businesses make a deal with the municipality to become more sustainable. Some measures, such as the Approved Measures List, are already underway and will therefore bring savings in the short term. Other measures, such as electrification of processes, have a longer implementation time, because the technology and business case still need to be developed.