The rapid supply-side growth of electric delivery vans and trucks means entrepreneurs have ever greater scope for switching to electrified goods movement to and from towns and cities. At the same time, though, there are questions that need to be answered: How can carriers do their job using electric vehicles requiring regular charging? What is the least-cost approach? Where, when and how fast are vans and trucks to be charged? And what demands does that set on the power grid?Â
At the request of Topsector Logistiek, Buck Consultants, CE Delft, Districon, Amsterdam University of Applied Science, Panteia and TNO have carried out a concrete analysis of how electric city logistics is likely to pan out in practice, taking the City Region of Amsterdam as an example. Using dedicated CBS data on the vans and trucks entering Amsterdam’s low-emission zone, CE Delft has calculated where demand for charging points will probably be greatest. Using available statistics, estimates were also made of projected impact on the power grid, required number of charging points and spatial impacts. Based on these results, and the choices made, a vision emerges of where, when and how fast vehicle charging might take place, allowing grid operators and municipal authorities to develop plans in terms of both charging infrastructure and spatial planning.
Buck Consultants
Amsterdam University of Applied Science