The municipality of Zaanstad’s target is to be climate neutral by 2040. Existing housing stock is also required to comply with this target. With regard to existing homes, the municipality asked CE Delft to determine what this climate target means for the next four years, how much CO2 reduction can be expected with current policy measures and what the remaining task is.
In 2020, Zaanse homes produced 198 ktonnes of CO2 emissions. To be climate-neutral by 2040, Zaanstad municipality’s Heat Transition Vision must be fully realised by this date. This requires a CO2 reduction of 37 ktonnes (19%) by 2026 compared to 2020. On the basis of current policies, we expect a total emission reduction of 27.6 ktonnes (14%). This is a cumulation of the effects of the municipality’s policies, national policies and autonomous developments. To achieve an emission reduction of 37 ktonnes by 2026, an additional 9 ktonnes of emission reduction is needed in addition to the measures calculated. In order to achieve these, a major acceleration in sustainability is still needed. This would require, for example, insulating 19,500 additional homes to the standard or connecting 6,500 homes to a heat grid. After 2026, the acceleration will have to be even greater to meet the climate target.