The National Programme on Regional Energy Strategies (NP RES) supports Dutch regions in their RES. Following a request by the NP RES, in the past year analytical maps have been developed and back-up data prepared for the forms available to grid operators for doing the sums on the RES plans for the various regions. The aim of the analytical maps and particularly the back-up data is to provide detailed insight into present and future energy supply and demand. During development of the analytical maps and the back-up-data it became clear that there are a number of problems with the public data and currently available projections.
This report reviews the main bottlenecks. At the moment, it is mainly national data and above all annual totals that are publicly available, while the transition to a sustainable energy system requires local-level data. In some sectors like housing, local data are already largely available, but for others these are lacking. This is particularly the case for industry, agriculture and data centres, and to a lesser extent for utilities and mobility. The energy consumption of these sectors may be of major influence on opportunities and challenges in the (local) energy transition.
The report is based on the experience gained by CE Delft and Generation.Energy in developing the analytical maps and back-up data, and on these organisations’ wider expertise.
Jaap Witte Generation.Energy