
Delft municipalitys CO2 emissions, 2008-2014

This report presents a tabular and graphic review of the aggregate CO2 emissions associated with energy consumption and traffic on Delft municipal territory from 2008 to 2014. As for the 2011 CO2 emissions, use was made of the energy consumption data reported in the ‘Energie in beeld’ database (Stedin et al., 2015). Stedin and ‘Energie in beeld’ are constantly improving the quality of the consumption data in the database, refining the distinction between ‘private’ and ‘business’, for example. This means that consumption data by postal code, neighbourhood or the municipality as a whole in a given year may differ from a previous listing in the database. The adjustments are retroactively inputted back to 2008 so year-on-year trends can be properly analysed. Stedin therefore advises users to use only the most recent version of ‘Energie in beeld’, also for historical data on earlier years.

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