For a number of years several local government agencies in the Rijnmond industrial area round Rotterdam have been collaborating on an environmental monitoring programme, publishing a comprehensive environmental status report each year, the MSR review. Given the relevance of energy issues for Rotterdam, this year energy was in the spotlight and CE Delft was commissioned to prepare a thematic sub-report entitled ‘Energy in Rijnmond’, providing a detailed review of Rijnmond’s energy flows. For each of the relevant policy target groups the report inventories emissions, trends, possible abatement measures and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders. One of the areas of focus is the industry/energy complex, because of the massive flows of energy and CO2 in this area and the substantial investments scheduled in the years ahead. The report concludes with recommendations on regional policies and how they might be monitored.
The report will be used to underpin the Rotterdam Climate Initiative, an ambitious plan drawn up by local government in the Rotterdam district to secure a 50% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. In May 2007 a delegation from the city presented the English-language version to Bill Clinton, leader of the New York-based Clinton Climate Initiative.