For the 1500 small and medium-sized businesses (SME) in Delft the local authority is responsible for implementing the Environmental Control Act, one element of which concerns energy saving. The authority asked CE Delft to assess how this particular issue could best be tackled:
– which businesses should be afforded priority? – what approach can best be adopted for these SME?
The project started by inventorying the relevant businesses and their energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The total CO2 emissions of the Delft busi-ness community are around 150 kt. Apart from a few major institutions like the in the order of 15-30%. Next a workshop was held with staff from the local authority’s specialist Envi-ronment team. On this occasion the decision was made that in the future a clear distinction should be made between big and small energy users. The former will have a pre-arranged visit geared specifically to energy saving, us-ing a checklist to assess whether available cost-effective measures have in-deed been implemented. With small-scale users the main focus will be on pro-viding information, via the folders put out by organisations like Energiecentrum MKB (Energy Centre for SME) and Infomil. For 2008 the priorities are the so-called MJA-II enterprises (tackling of free-riders), new construction work (harmonisation with building inspectorate) and supermarkets (mandatory covering of refrigerated cabinets).