
ESCAPE: Economic SCreening of Aircraft Preventing Emissions

The ESCAPE project (Economic SCreening of Aircraft Preventing Emissions) explores the technical, environmental and economic potential of aircraft with a lower global warming impact. New aircraft technologies and concepts are required in order to outpace the increased global warming impact of aviation implied by its future growth.
The main and background reports address several key questions: What is the potential for further development of the current turbofan aircraft concept? What is the technical and economic potential of other propulsion options? What are the interrelationships between aircraft design speed, environmental impact, fuel or carbon emission prices and the economics of aircraft operation? And what are the barriers impeding introduction of low-emission aircraft, and how can these be removed?
The ESCAPE reports were prepared by a consortium consisting of CE, Peeters Advies and the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Delft University of Technology, with technical support by ADSE, Aircraft Design and Systems Engineering.
The reports were reviewed by experts from Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney, NASA, DLR, and NLR. These reviews can be found in the last annex of the background report.


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