The EU has decided to allow small aviation emitters in the EU ETS to use a simplified procedure to determine their emissions. Instead of verification by an independent verifier, they can use the small emitters tool developed by Eurocontrol. This decision was based on a report by CE Delft, PWC and SQ consult which showed that 90% of the aircraft operators in the ETS emit less than 25 thousand tonnes of CO2 per year. Most of these operators are non-commercial, and they account for 0.8% of the emissions in the scope of the system. The administrative costs for the small emitters are significant. The report shows that the cost of compliance for small operators amounts to EUR 10,000, of which about 70% are administrative costs (monitoring, reporting and verification, for example) and only 30% are carbon costs. The simplified procedure can reduce these costs considerably.
The report also analyses other simplifications of the ETS and alternative means of addressing aviation CO2 emissions.