In its climate and energy programme ‘Clean and Efficient’ the Dutch government has pledged a doubling of the rate of energy conservation from 1% to 2% a year by the year 2020. As part of the drive to secure a range of climate targets, including those relating to energy efficiency, the ministers of Environment and Economic Affairs have created an Energy Transition Board (ETB). CE Delft has made a quantitative assessment of the (projected) energy savings that will be realised in the coming years via various sectoral agreements and energy conservation programmes, on the one hand, and the transition paths outlined by the ETB, on the other. The sectoral agreements and energy conservation programmes together lead to anticipated savings of between 215 and 467 PetaJoule, depending on the degree to which EU energy conservation policy is sufficiently ambitious and indeed spurs action. These figures are equivalent to average annual savings of 1.4% to 1.9% over the period 2011 to 2020. The (additional) savings, realised and projected, that can be attributed directly to activities stemming from the ETB prove hard to quantify and compare. There are two main reasons: insufficient monitoring data and the use of different reference scenarios, making comparison of the respective savings problematical.