At the request of the Dutch ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, CE Delft, in collaboration with Revnext, has explored the potential effectiveness of parking policy to boost purchase of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV). The following three policies were examined:
The effects of these measures were calculated at both the local and national level. For the local level, use was made of CE Delft’s dedicated parking model CEPARK, which allows the impact of parking policies to be assessed at city or company level, including measures geared to parking rates and parking capacity. For the national level, Revnext’s Carbontax model was also employed.
The study indicates that the boost to ZEV sales would be slightly greater with introduction of a parking tax for employers, with ZEV exempted, than with introduction of reduced rates for ZEV in car parks with a charge point. At the local level the former policy could lead to an approx. 3% increase in ZEV sales, the latter to an approx. 2% increase. For the third policy, permits for ZEV only, a robust calculation of the impact proved unfeasible. It was estimated, however, that this could potentially create an incentive for inner-city permit-holders to buy a ZEV. Further study on this issue is required, though.
Robert Kok, Hans Mulder (Revnext)