From 2026, the truck levy will replace the Eurovignette in the Netherlands. This is expected to result in net revenue of €250 million per year. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat) plans to channel this money back to the sector for sustainability and innovation. Some of the money is expected to be spent on logistical efficiency. It is still unclear which measures will be effective and what the money will be used for. CE Delft was commissioned by the Foundation for Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection (Stichting Natuur en Milieu) to assess a range of possible measures for the purpose of discussing the use of the revenue from the truck levy.
From the list compiled of identified measures, five measures remained for further analysis based on four criteria (Technology Readiness Level, impact on CO2 emissions, dependence on external factors and expected cost) and some additional considerations. These are:
Based on our analysis of each measure, where we specifically assessed current barriers and the added value of financial support to achieve more efficient logistics, we reach the following conclusions: