Zeeland is just one of the provinces of the Netherlands where airborne particulates are posing a growing problem in terms of air quality. Given the tighter European air quality standards scheduled for 2010, that problem can only get worse, moreover. When it comes to assessing the options for reducing particulate emissions, the Provincial Executive of Zeeland is therefore keen to start work now. Against this background CE Delft was asked to provide support in drawing up an action plan with which to improve air quality in the province.
On the one hand this means reviewing all kinds of (technical) measures with their associated impacts and features. Equally important, though, is to explore the extent to which any measures will enjoy adequate support.
Who are the players engaged with this issue? And who is to take the lead in implementing measures? From this amalgam of research activities a number of policy options will emerge, which can then be used to draw up an action plan that will have sufficient support from the various players.