The greenhouse gas emissions of international aviation and maritime transport are projected to increase rapidly over the coming decades, despite significant improvements in the fuel-efficiency of aircraft and ships. In order to address their growth, Market Based Measures (MBMs) have been proposed to complement technical and operational measures. These measures are being discussed in ICAO (the UN organization for civil aviation) and IMO (the UN organization for maritime transport). One of the main issues in the debate has been the impact of MBMs on developing countries and especially on remote economies.
Annela Anger, Cambridge UniversityJasper Faber, CE DelftMarnix Koopman, CE DelftAndre van Velzen, TAKSKaty Long, Cambridge EconometricsHector Pollitt, Cambridge EconometricsClaudia Comberti, Climate StrategiesTerry Barker, Cambridge EconometricsDora Fazekas, Climate StrategiesAndrzej Błachowicz, Climate Strategies