
Study on methods and considerations for the determination of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for international shipping

The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted the Initial IMO Strategy on reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships which aims to ‘reduc[e] GHG emissions from international shipping and (…) phase them out as soon as possible in this century’. The Initial Strategy contains a list of short-term measures aimed at reducing the carbon intensity of shipping by at least 40% in 2030.

CE Delft has analysed the impact of these short-term measures on emissions. It concludes that only with measures that change operational practices (e.g. the vessel speed) the 2030 target can be met. On their own, technical measures or measures that remove market barriers will not improve carbon intensity sufficiently.

The study was conducted in collaboration with UMAS and supported by Öko-Institut, Lloyd’s Register and David Lee.




Lloyd's Register

Öko-Institut e.V.

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