
What can Regional Mobility Programmes (RMPs) contribute to national climate goals? Exploring potential CO2 reduction

The Climate Agreement formulates measures for the Mobility & Transport sector’s contribution to the Dutch climate objective based on four major substantive themes. For each of these themes, the national government intends to work together with the regions to elaborate and implement the proposed measures. The regions have been asked to prepare Regional Mobility Programmes (RMPs) for this purpose.

The Association of Provincial Authorities (IPO) have assumed a leading role on behalf of the provinces in the establishment of RMPs. The RMPs aim to provide a regional interpretation of the climate challenge for the mobility and transport sector. The province of North Holland and the IPO asked CE Delft to present a nationwide overview of the potential for local and regional policies to improve the sustainability of mobility and transport. The aim is to identify the contribution that RMPs can make to the climate challenge.

The key question is: ‘What can regional and/or local measures deliver in terms of CO2 reduction and how much does this contribute to the national climate challenge?’

We answer this question based on several exploratory studies on the CO2 effects of mobility measures that can be taken by decentralised authorities.
