How can we reduce the environmental footprint of mobility and transport efficaciously, cost-effectively and equitably? This is the core question I address in my work as manager of CE Delft’s Mobility & Transport sector.
Besides heading up this sector, in terms of substance the main focus of my work is economic analysis in the field of mobility and transport. With my colleagues I develop and review taxes, subsidies and other economic instruments for greening transport. One recurrent theme of our studies are the external costs and infrastructure costs of transport, where our goal is to translate the latest scientific insights into indices that can be used by policymakers or in policy studies. I also regularly conduct social cost-benefit analyses, cost-effectiveness analyses and Total Cost of Ownership analyses of sustainable solutions in the field of mobility and transport.
The projects I work on are often (methodologically) complex and politically sensitive – which is where my experience with translating complex research projects into easily comprehensible and useful (policy) recommendations comes in handy. My overarching aim is then always to provide the client with reliable and independent results and/or advice.
I’ve had the pleasure of working at CE Delft since 2005, after completing studies in General Economics and Policy and Organisation Studies at Tilburg University.