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Bettina Kampman

Bettina Kampman
manager Energy & Fuels | team leader Sustainable Industry

How can we ensure our energy supply and industry are made sustainable over the coming decades, that we have enough electricity, heat and transport fuels at affordable prices without jeopardising our climate?

About Bettina

Expertise: European energy and climate policy | Sustainable industry | Renewable energy and fuels

How can we ensure our energy supply and industry are made sustainable over the coming decades, that we have enough electricity, heat and transport fuels at affordable prices without jeopardising our climate? These are the questions at the heart of my work as manager of CE Delft’s Energy & Fuels sector.

Much of my research and consultancy work is on the interface between technology, policy and economics. Developments in the Netherlands don’t take place in a vacuum, so I’m glad to work for both national and European clients. Pinning down the most effective policies for achieving climate and energy goals is relevant at both levels, and besides: the European policy framework goes a long way to determining national developments. Implementation of the Dutch Climate Agreement, European energy and climate policy and the European Green Deal can move us substantially forward on the road to sustainability, a project I’m glad to contribute to.

In recent years my work has focused increasingly on ‘greening’ industry. In our projects in this area – for companies, various tiers of government and environmental NGOs – we identify practicable CO2 abatement options and emerging innovative technologies and establish their costs and benefits, practical pros and cons and the uncertainties involved. Besides project management, my role is often to develop a broader perspective on research topics, pinning down relevant policy trends and developments in other sectors that can impact the company or sector in question. In this way we can provide clients with a concrete, realistic vision of the route towards a climate-neutral, circular future.

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Twente, my first position was as a researcher with Shell Exploration and Production. I’ve been with CE Delft since 1999, first as a researcher/consultant in the Transport sector, since 2013 as manager of the Energy & Fuels sector (formerly Energy sector).

Rapporten waar Bettina Kampman auteur is

Analysis of climate plans for the Port of Rotterdam
January 2025
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Policy review Enhanced implementation of the Energy Saving Obligation
January 2025
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Analysis of Tata Steel’s future plans
October 2024
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