Our people

Margreet van der Woude

Margreet van der Woude
About Margreet

Since 1 September 2023, I have been working at CE Delft as a researcher/advisor, helping to making cities more sustainable. In cities, energy transition and generation, grid congestion, mobility and circular economy all have to be implemented in a relatively small area. CE Delft provides support to cities for this tremendously complex challenge.

Drawing on my experience working in commercial and public service, I feel most at home in partnerships between government, market players and civil society organisations. I have wide-ranging, up-to-date knowledge of the energy transition. My open mindset enables me to get people with divergent interests to embrace a common goal. I know how to get teams excited and make things move forward. I have developed exceptional administrative and organisational sensitivity over the years.

My skills include programme management, strategic policies, implementation plans, and working budgets (people and resources).

My topics are: Energy transition, insulation, generation, and heat with heat networks, infrastructure and storage, mobility and circular economy.

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