Under the umbrella of STREAM (Study on TRansport Emissions of All Modes) an update and extension of STREAM Freight Transport was published in 2020. Based on the STREAM model, the report provides emission factors per tonne-kilometre for a wide range of vehicles and vessels. This update was needed because European vehicle standards, fleet renewal, government policies and technical advances have meant transport emissions have changed since 2014, the reference year of STREAM 2016. In addition, new measurements on vehicles and vessels have led to new insights into real-world emissions.
New in STREAM 2020 are emission factors for air freight, the inclusion of maritime shipping and a chapter on the emissions associated with vehicle and vessel manufacture and infrastructure use. This chapter also looks more closely at the impact of battery production on the lifecycle CO2 emissions of electric freight vehicles.
The emission factors can be used to answer questions like: when goods need to be carried to Duisburg or Lithuania, is it better to do so by ship, road or rail? For shipping freight to a seaport, is it better to opt for a standard canal barge or an electric truck? The answer will depend on logistical parameters and the emission characteristics of the transport modes involved, as well as the emissions of interest: CO2 or air pollutants.
There are STREAM studies on both passenger and freight vehicles. Using data widely accepted by government, science and industry, the STREAM model is a reliable tool that is constantly being updated on the basis of the latest information and data.
Tailor-made solutions for companies
It is becoming increasingly important for companies to know the environmental footprint of their transport operations, because this interests customers, who want to know what steps are being taken to reduce it. Using the STREAM model and the underlying methodologies, CE Delft can help companies set up carbon footprint calculations. Although publicly available average emission factors can be used for this purpose, CE Delft can also provide tailor-made factors that factor in freight type, transport distance and company-specific occupancy factors, for example, as well as the other parameters cited.
As a supporter of the Sustainable Logistics programme we have extensive experience cooperating with carriers and shippers. CE Delft can assist in quantifying fleet emissions. We can also help develop an emissions calculator, as part of a logistics planning toolkit. Examples of CE Delft projects include theĀ Logistics Emissions Scan and the ABCO2 tool.
STREAM-goederenvervoer (Study on TRansport Emissions of All Modes).