
Addressing energy poverty in Zoetermeer. Background report concerning council proposal SPUK regulation (Dutch Clean Air Agreement tool)

Zoetermeer, along with all other Dutch municipalities, has received a specific allowance (SPUK scheme) from the State to assist households experiencing energy poverty to take energy-saving measures. These funds must be spent by the end of December 2023.

The Zoetermeer municipality has commissioned CE Delft to provide input on preparing a council motion and a plan to address energy poverty.

In this background report to the council motion, we first examine the current status of energy poverty in Zoetermeer: in which neighbourhoods and among which specific target groups does energy poverty occur. We then explore and elaborate on four measures the municipality could adopt to combat energy poverty. These include the effectiveness of the measures (do they reach the households that benefit most?) and feasibility (the municipality or other interested parties must have the capacity to implement the measures in the short term).

Our report addresses the following measures:

  1. White goods scheme: voucher for an energy-efficient refrigerator or washing machine
  2. Energy coaches
  3. Fixers’. Fixers not only offer energy-saving tips, but they also immediately implement minor energy-saving measures such as radiator foil and a water-saving shower head
  4. Advice for Owners’ Associations (VvE’s) on how to combine sustainability measures with major maintenance