On 1 September, 2016 the Energy Performance Compensation (EPC) Act came into force, establishing a framework for tenants and landlords to achieve highly energy-efficient dwellings, including ‘zero-on-the-meter’ (NOM) homes. The ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations was keen to assess whether the legislation is achieving its aims and is cost-effective and commissioned CE Delft to undertake a review. The EPC Act can be seen as an cornerstone policy for covering the additional cost of NOM homes without burdening tenants with extra expenses. In practice, the number of EPC dwellings is found to be generally lagging behind the projected number of NOM homes. This is a result of rising costs due to a tight construction market and the emergence of legislative bottlenecks. Housing corporations see the EPC Act as overly complex, with implementation requiring a substantial input of manpower.
In collaboration with Richard Oomen & Pieter Klep (Innax)