
Bundling of geoportals. Inventory, vision and functional design

In recent years a growing amount of spatial information has become available to support the energy transition. A variety of parties are publishing geographical information in the form of map layers for use in geoportals (online atlases). As part of the VIVET programme it was investigated how such atlases can be bundled, to prevent undue fragmentation, while at the same time ensuring the system is future-proof.

To this end we first characterised eight different atlases, establishing the user requirements they do or do not meet, as well as their governance. Next we analysed which atlases could potentially be bundled to reduce fragmentation and how that might be achieved. Finally, we inventoried the criteria to be met by the envisaged bundled portal, its possible design and who should administer it. All the analyses were conducted based on interviews and meetings with experts and users.

The following atlases were included in the study (Dutch names translated): Heat Atlas (RVO), National Energy Atlas (RIVM), Analysis Maps (NP RES), Initial Analysis (PBL), DEGO (VNG), Wko Tool (RVO), Regional Atlas (PBL), Heat Transition Atlas (Zuid-Holland province) and Heat Source Register (Noord-Brabant province).