
Demand for labour for the energy transition

An accurate projection is required of the demand for labour in the offshore and onshore wind, solar, biomass, hydrogen, energy saving technologies and grid reinforcement sectors. The model provided charts the amount and nature of the immediate demand for labour required to implement the Dutch energy transition. The model shows what type of labour is required in each sector in order to avoid shortages in the labour market.

This report then applies the updated model to a case study in the field of hydrogen, namely the Green Power II project. The project will invest €1.25 billion in the construction of hydrogen power plants, among other things. This will lead to a demand for labour of between 4,000 and 5,700 FTEs. For each phase, the division of labour was calculated for the relevant occupational groups per educational category. It was then assessed how well the current labour supply will be able to meet this demand for labour.
