While there is no scarcity of biotic feedstocks, this does not hold for fertile farmland. Growing demand for feedstocks without a corresponding increase in fertile acreage will therefore lead to scarcity. This is the core message of CE Delft’s input to the ‘Feedstocks’ discussion paper presented by the Dutch cabinet to parliament this summer. CE Delft’s main contribution was a study into expectations and impacts vis-à-vis biotic feedstocks like timber and soy. The study is included in the larger study “En route to a feedstocks strategy. Quick scan for a ‘Feedstocks’ discussion paper” carried out jointly by the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, TNO and CE Delft. The main conclusion regarding biotic scarcity is that while biotic feedstocks are not scarce, there is not enough fertile land available for growing both food and (bio)energy and (bio)chemical feedstocks. This means prices will rise and growing competition among applications (food versus fuel, for example).