
Improvements in the petroleum chain
Improving the energy efficiency of the petroleum chain, outside refineries

In this study we identify ways in which the energy efficiency of the petroleum industry production chain can be improved in the Netherlands, outside refineries. The study was carried out in the framework of the Long-Term Agreement on Energy Efficiency for EU ETS industries (the so-called ‘MEE-covenant’) at the request of the VNPI with support from Agentschap NL.

To this end the scope for energy-saving during storage, transhipment and transport of the crude oil and petroleum products was investigated. The study also considered the potential for renewable energy generation at tank and storage facilities, heat and CO2 supply from refineries and use of biomass at refineries.

The greatest abatement potential was found to lie with CO2 and heat supply from refineries and use of biomass in refining processes. In other processing steps the scope for efficiency improvement may be as much as several dozen per cent of specific energy consumption, but over the entire chain this potential is limited. It is recommended to elaborate the Top 3 measures further and examine the scope for implementing them in  greater detail.
