Since 1 January 2020, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has set a lower limit on the amount of sulphur permitted in marine fuel. There are several measures shipowners can take to reduce sulphur emissions. One such measure is the application of emission-reducing systems, also known as Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS). These systems use seawater to wash exhaust gases, allowing ships to run on heavy sulphur fuel oil (HFO).
The potential environmental impact of washwater discharges from EGCS are increasingly being debated, especially discharges near the coast and at ports. Several countries and ports have adopted measures banning discharges of EGCS in territorial waters or ports. These bans are mostly for discharges from open-loop systems (these systems discharge washwater overboard), but also for discharges of bleed-off water from closed-loop systems (these store sludge and produce limited surplus water – the bleed-off water). The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat) requested CE Delft to investigate the economic impact of measures that reduce washwater discharges from Dutch-flagged vessels, Dutch shipping companies and Dutch producers of EGCS.
The main conclusions are: