
Projected biofuel consumption in the Dutch transport sector for 2020 and 2030

In 2014 PBL, ECN, CBS and RVO published the Nationale Energieverkenning (NEV, National Energy Exploration) for the first time. The NEV, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, describes current trends in energy supply and consumption in the Netherlands and the developments to be expected until 2030. For the 2015 update PBL has commissioned CE Delft to provide a projection of biofuel consumption in the Dutch transport sector for the years 2020 and 2030. This paper provides the assessment for 2020 and projections for 2025/2030. The level of biofuel consumption in the Netherlands will strongly depend on implementation of the ILUC Directive and the post-2020 policy measures under the EU Energy and Climate package. Owing to the major uncertainties concerning implementation of these policies, several scenarios have been developed to estimate biofuel consumption in 2020 and 2030.