
Research into Additional Supporting Instruments for Electric Logistics and Grid Congestion

In this study for RVO, CE Delft examined how RVO can support grid congestion solutions. There are still several bottlenecks in terms of finance, know-how and cooperation for the realisation of mitigation measures. Mitigation measures are solutions that companies themselves can undertake to use more electricity despite grid congestion, the shortage of capacity on the electricity grid. Despite existing supportive financial instruments, however, several bottlenecks remain. In the study, CE Delft recommends the following additional tools:

  1. Provide support for existing schemes, such as the DKTI and DEI+, with sufficient pilots and use cases. As an indication, 15 to 30 projects are required with various mitigation measures in different subsectors.
  2. An integral instrument for knowledge building in companies with an investment subsidy directly linked to it should mitigation measures be required for that company. This is a new tool to be developed aimed at a large-scale roll-out of measures (several thousand companies). If such a new subsidy is not feasible, a less effective option is to promote the existing knowledge voucher schemes and increase the budget and expand and specify the EIA for mitigation measures.