The energy transition will bring major spatial, economic and social changes. Together with Sweco and VITO, CE Delft prepared the Roadmap for the Regional Spatial Energy Strategy (Ruimtelijke Regionale Energiestrategie, RRES) for Flanders. The RRES creates the framework within which the energy transition can grow in an informed, measured and guided manner, supported by sufficient local support. The roadmap underlines the importance of addressing energy transition in an integrated way together with other spatial transitions and policy areas.
Specifically, a Regional Spatial Energy Strategy has the following five goals:
In preparing the RRES Flanders, CE Delft contributed from our expertise with system studies and regional energy strategies (RESs) in the Netherlands, as well as expertise on trade-off methods such as social cost and benefit analysis (SCBA).
You can download the report here: RRES – Regional Spatial Energy Strategy: a roadmap