
Study evaluating the national policy measures and methodologies to implement Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

This report for the EU Directorate-General for Energy is the result of a study on member states’ implementation of Article 7 (and the associated Annex V) of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). This article is a key element of the directive, estimated to embody almost half the energy efficiency target (20% savings in 2020).

On 5 December, 2013 the 28 member states were obliged to file national reports indicating how they intend to implement Article 7 of the directive, with further information being provided in April 2014 as part of their National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP). The project team has evaluated both the reports and the NEEAPs, examining in detail how member states have addressed the requirements of Article 7. 
The main conclusions of the study are that the greatest savings are anticipated from Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes (EEOS): around 40% of the total, and that Article 7 leads primarily to improved energy efficiency in the built environment: around 50% of the total. The study also indicates that the information provided by many member states in the context of Article 7 is still incomplete and, to a varying extent, not yet in line with the methodology and requirements laid down in the EED. 
For this project CE Delft was a partner in a consortium together with Ricardo-AEA and REKK.