
Sustainable transport for Zuiderzeeland Water Board

Zuiderzeeland Water Board is keen for the social impacts of its transport use to play a more prominent role in its mobility policy, with immediate focus on transport choices for the board’s governing body. These choices should be based not only on financial and technical considerations, but also on criteria of sustainability and other social impacts of the various means of transport. A value case approach to assess the various social impacts of transport alternatives is a useful tool for this purpose.

In this study CE Delft supported Zuiderzeeland Water Board in carrying out a value case and business case analysis of various transport alternatives (incl. company cars running on biogas, hydrogen or  electricity) for use by the executive board. These analyses specify the social, financial and technical impacts of the alternatives and can be used as a basis for deciding on the optimum form of transport.

The study shows that the most promising options for the Water Board to ‘green’ the transport used by its executive board are public transport or electric lease cars. These options lead to significant gains in terms of sustainability, at only slightly higher cost than at present (predominantly use of private, fossil-fuelled cars). Both these options also appear to meet the requirements of the job, although in some aspects they may be less flexible than the current situation.