One of the targets of the Dutch National Climate Agreement is domestic production of 2 billion cubic metres (bcm) of green gas annually by 2030. This study, commissioned by grid operator Netbeheer Nederland, shows this cannot be achieved under a business-as-usual scenario. To do so will require robust government support for green gas, roll-out of innovative gasification technologies and use of a range of local waste biomass streams. Because of the major potential contributions of manure digestion and gasification and upgrading biogas still currently burned in cogeneration plant, support for manure digestion and gasification plant and upgrading facilities is particularly important.
The study explores how much green gas from local biomass can be fed into the public gas grid in 2030 and the best locations for doing so. To this end it was estimated how much biomass might become economically available by 2030 for green gas production and grid feed-in. The scope of the study is limited to waste biomass streams. In estimating the volume of economically available biomass, due allowance was made for biomass demand in other applications. The biomass streams and feed-in locations were estimated at four-digit postal code level.