The Vesta MAIS model is constantly being supplemented and improved. Although analyses continue to improve as a result of new insights emerging from practice and through the application of the model, it is also clear that the back-end of the model may benefit from another update at this point. New practice values have recently become available for the installations incorporated in Vesta MAIS and a set of key figures have been prepared as part of the end-user cost dashboard (ECW, 2021). We have prepared an overview of the differences and consider which key figures are best applied in Vesta MAIS.
The generalisation of conversion techniques carried out prior to the Start analysis resulted in many new devices being added as options to the Vesta MAIS design. However, some of them were not applied in the Start Analysis and were not included in the validation sessions of the Start Analysis. For this reason, whether the key figures currently in the model continue to adequately represent the actual situation still needs to be verified from these conversion techniques. These conversion techniques require that a number of working values are replaced by final values. Where necessary, the conversion techniques that were used in the Start analysis have also been updated.
Part 1 of this update validates the key figures of the following installations:
The method for this validation is a desk study supplemented by interviews on specific aspects with specific stakeholders. The desk study focuses mainly on generally accepted key figures. Key sources used by the desk study are from Arcadis and Milieu Centraal:
Arcadis provides annual cost key figures to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland). These cost metrics are considered normative and authoritative, and are often used in various studies. Supplemental clarification of Arcadis’ key figures is included in the appendix.
Milieu Centraal, an information organisation, ensures that households receive important information to help them make sustainable choices. Milieu Centraal has a knowledge base derived from scientific publications and research reports, as well as information and databases of research organisations such as RIVM, CBS and TNO. Where information is lacking or could be improved, Milieu Centraal complements it with relevant reports from research institutes and/or industry associations.
These reports successively outline the following for each topic:
Part 2 of the study involves comparing the key figures of end-user costs in Vesta MAIS with TNO’s Background Report on End-user Costs. The end-user cost tool contains key financial and technical figures that correspond to those in the Start Analysis in some cases, but differ in others.