
Update of study on economic impacts. Home-working new style

At the request of the Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment (Natuur en Milieu), CE Delft has calculated the social benefits of home-working. The study was prompted by the Corona crisis, it being anticipated that the wide experience now gained with home-working will lead in the future to a permanent increase.

In consultation with Natuur en Milieu, CE Delft defined a scenario for home-working post-Corona in which 12% of the working population works from home 1 to 1½ more days a week. For this scenario we calculated the following social benefits: time gains from reduced commuting, increased productivity and participation, reduced CO2 and other pollutant emissions, reduced noise nuisance, reduced infrastructure maintenance and improved transport safety. The total social benefits amount to 1.2 to 1.6 billion euro a year.

The calculation results have been brought together in a brief report.