‘Heat is hot’ and for several years now I have been working enthusiastically for government and industry on issues of heat supply and demand, looking not only at policy issues but also at the technical and economic feasibility of heat applications.
‘Heat is hot’ and for several years now I have been working enthusiastically for government and industry on issues of heat supply and demand, looking not only at policy issues but also at the technical and economic feasibility of heat applications. This goes beyond district heating: I also investigate potential linkage between industrial sites, greenhouse horticulture and office buildings, collective and individual systems, savings, renewable heat and innovations in homes and industry.
At CE Delft I am responsible for coordinating all the various research and consultancy projects in the realm of heat. Among the projects my colleagues and I have recently been involved in are development of the VESTA model (PBL, 2011 and 2013) for heat supply in the built environment, and a study on the employment aspects of energy efficiency in housing construction (for the Dutch ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, 2012). In these projects I act as both project leader and technical expert. In this capacity my background in mechanical engineering, the philosophy of technology and business science at Twente University stands me in good stead.
My main areas of expertise are the following:
If you have any queries, feel free to contact me!