
Impact of Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles are a promising technology for drastically reducing the environmental burden of road transport. At the same time, the Electric Vehicles that are being developed are not yet competitive with conventional vehicle technology and there are many uncertainties regarding costs, performance and interaction with electricity supply.

Within this context the European Commission DG Climate Action has commissioned a project to provide it with technical assistance in understanding the impacts of a potential market penetration of electric vehicles in the EU. The project was carried out by a consortium led by CE Delft (the Netherlands), with ICF (USA) and Ecologic (Germany) as partners. The study covers both the transport sector and the electricity sector. The results of the project are presented in the following reports: 

  • Current status of Electric Vehicle development and market introduction (Deliverable 1).
  • Potential developments of electric vehicles and battery technology  (Deliverable 2).
  • Potential interactions with the electricity supply (Deliverable 3).
  • Potential role of business models and fiscal policy (Deliverable 4).
  • Scenario study on market penetration of Electric Vehicles and resulting impacts on for example the transport sector, electricity sector and the environment, including an assessment of policy implications & recommendations (Deliverable 5).
  • Summary report on all deliverables.
