Our newsletters update you on a selection of current research and advisory projects, so you are the first to know about the studies and recommendations that are coming out.
Carbon footprint tool for Chemical company Lawter: USA Lawter produces adhesives and other binders based on natural raw materials both in Belgium, the Netherlands and the USA. We previously created a CO2 footprint tool for Lawter Europe that allows the CO2 footprint to be calculated and communicated to customers based on the composition of products. We are now updating a version of the tool for the USA market, which includes chemical feedstocks and key figures for transport and energy used specifically in the USA. More information: Geert Bergsma
Increasing number of LCA studies for North American companies Chemical company Eastman USA is a regular client for whom we review LCA studies and provide advice on how to set up LCA studies, including for chemical recycling. LCA studies were recently conducted for the Canadian companies Fullcycle and Sustainitech. We were also commissioned by the USA Good Food Initiative (GFI) to provide a global LCA analysis of cultured meat initiatives. More information: Geert Bergsma
LCA services for cultivated meat company Aleph Farms: Israel Based on our global LCA and Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) for the production of cultivated meat , we conducted specific LCA research for Aleph Farms headquartered in Israel and provide ongoing advice based on these LCA services with regard to further sustainability opportunities during development and scale-up of the technology. More information: Pelle Sinke
Update environmental prices CE Delft is currently revising their environmental prices method for the Netherlands and EU28, with expected publication early 2023. CE Delft’s environmental prices have been used by numerous companies and researchers worldwide to monetize environmental impact. Over 200 academic journals have referenced CE Delft’s method of monetizing external effects in LCA research or a social cost-benefit analysis. Companies like Philips, Repsol, Knauf insulation, Recticel, I-Tree, Vodafone, Dutch Railways and DSM have used environmental prices for internal or external decision making and reporting. Environmental prices are calculated as average prices for emissions on Dutch territory and are available for the levels of individual emissions, or midpoints and endpoints for LCAs. Prices based on average emissions in EU27 territory are also calculated for use in LCAs. More information: Sander de Bruyn
Blue hydrogen studies In light of the need to address pertinent knowledge gaps with regards to the key aspects of blue (CCS-abated) hydrogen deployment, IEAGHG commissioned two parallel blue hydrogen studies. These studies are ”Blue Hydrogen – Beyond the Plant Gate” which was designed to inform on the prospect of low carbon hydrogen from oil and oil-based feedstocks and ”Low carbon hydrogen from natural gas Hydrogen – Global Roadmap”. The latter appraises the life cycle emissions and the techno-economics of SMR (TRL 9) + CCS, ATR (TRL 7 – 9) + CCS, ESMR (TRL 4) + CCS and POX (TRL 9) against the benchmark conventional SMR (with no associated CCS) in the Netherlands. More information: Cor Leguijt
Mandatory percentage of recycled or biobased plastic The Dutch government Transition Agenda for Plastics plans to increase the percentage of recyclate and biobased plastics to 41% recyclate and 15% biobased plastics by 2030. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management asked CE Delft to study the extent to which a mandatory percentage of recycled and/or biobased plastics could help achieve this target and to assess the environmental and economic effects. Because this concerns the European market, this study focuses on a European mandatory percentage of recyclate. More information: Geert Bergsma
Fit for 55 and the Dutch maritime sector The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has requested CE Delft to analyse the extent to which the proposals for Fit for 55 will contribute in practice to the reduction of GHG emissions by ships, what synergies exist between the proposals and where incentives are misaligned, and which GHG emissions are not addressed by the current proposals. We analysed six roadmaps for decarbonising the sector from reputable organisations and research institutes, and compared the impact of the Fit for 55 proposals with those roadmaps. More information: Jasper Faber
Energy efficiency in shipping The aim of this study for The World Bank Group is to analyse the technical, operational and policy options for increasing the energy efficiency of maritime transport. This report explores a shortlist of some of the improvements that have still not seen significant use in the fleet. This report summarises efforts made to understand why opportunities to maximise energy efficiency in shipping, and especially those options that appear cost-negative at today’s fuel price and cost savings, have yet to be taken. More information: Jasper Faber
Essay: Travel demand after SARS-CoV-2 Many wonder if travel behaviour may have changed permanently, for example because video conferencing and working from home have become commonplace. In this essay we find that on average, travel demand is likely to largely revert back to pre-pandemic levels. There could be significant societal benefits to preventing mobility levels from reverting back to pre-pandemic levels. This could be achieved by stepping up the existing plans for sustainable urban mobility. More information: Anco Hoen
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