When it comes to sustainability and energy, the municipality of Leiden has set its sights high. Its policy accord for 2014-2018 (‘Cooperation and Innovation’) announces major ambitions in the fields of energy efficiency, sustainable entrepreneurship, urban biodiversity and greener waste management. The municipality is also working on elaboration of the policy document ‘Sustainable Leiden 2030’, presenting its sustainability aspirations in greater detail. So that the municipal council can assess the sustainability policy in a verifiable manner, Leiden Auditors Office asked CE Delft to develop one or more sustainability indicators and/or tools for assessing projects and apply these to projects already implemented or rejected between 2013 and mid-2015.
Addendum: In October 2015 CE Delft published an earlier version of the report ‘Calculations for Sustainable Leiden’ (CE Delft, 2015). This report is an update, motivated by further work on the calculation tool developed for the first report, which showed that several indices needed to be corrected. Use of the corrected tool means that the priority ranking of the measures under the ‘Home investments’ fund in Chapter 4.2 of the report is now slightly different. These adjustments are without consequence for the conclusions and recommendations in the Auditors Office’s report, however.