CLINSH, which stands for clean inland shipping, is a European project that started in 2016 and was completed in February 2022. The project promoted clean inland waterway transport. Dutch, Belgian, German and English public and private organisations worked together in CLINSH thanks to a grant from the European fund LIFE. The lead partner of the CLINSH project was the Dutch province of Zuid-Holland.
The main objective of CLINSH was to improve air quality in urban areas by accelerating emission reductions in inland shipping.
NOx and PM emissions of inland ships were monitored to demonstrate the effectiveness of greening measures in the inland shipping sector and to identify their potential to improve air quality. The results were used to formulate policy advice to governments on the greening of inland shipping towards 2035.
CE Delft contributed to CLINSH through a study on the socioeconomic impact of greening the fleet and an analysis of fleet development towards 2035.
Project Results | CLean INland SHipping (