
Grid congestion solutions Park Forum. Feasibility and desirability for businesses at Park Forum

The electricity grid in Brabant and Limburg is full, and peak demand for electricity exceeds what the grid can supply. As a consequence, companies requesting a new connection or an extension of their existing connection cannot be connected until the grid operator upgrades the grid. In this study, CE Delft was commissioned by the Municipality of Eindhoven to gather information about the issue of grid congestion and identify solutions for businesses at the Park Forum West business park in Eindhoven.

There are various solutions for resolving grid congestion. We have identified two main solutions that may be sustainable and feasible in the immediate future:

  • Individual solutions for companies, such as a combination of batteries, solar panels and back-up generators powered by fossil fuel together with a small consumer connection or a connection for a fixed period. This is a more sustainable alternative than solutions based solely on fossil fuels.
  • Collective solutions for companies, such as developing a virtual energy hub for a group connection.