There is growing interest in the Netherlands on the potential role of hydrogen as a sustainable fuel in the energy transition, with it being proposed as a promising option for space heating as natural gas is phased out for that purpose. This knowledge document, drawn up for Nijmegen municipality, looks into the options for hydrogen production and use, its availability and cost and the scope for application in the built environment. The document answers the questions often posed by citizens, local councils and other actors on the potential and the pros and cons of using hydrogen in the built environment.
We conclude that before 2035 there is unlikely to be sufficient zero-CO2 (blue and green) hydrogen available for the built environment and that it will still be too expensive. Whether hydrogen can be used for space heating on any major scale post-2035 depends on developments vis-à-vis cost and electrolyser plant efficiency, production volumes and any green hydrogen imports, demand for hydrogen in other applications, green hydrogen production costs and (part-)conversion of the gas grid to a hydrogen grid.