
Measuring the impact of circular procurement of workwear

This report is part of a wider study on how circular procurement of workwear by government departments (2017-2018) can reduce climate damage and resource use. In collaboration with CE Delft and TNO the National Institute for Public Health and the Environ­ment (RIVM) has developed a method to quantify these improvements: ‘Measuring the impact of circular procurement’ (RIVM, TNO & CE Delft, 2020; in Dutch). This methodology was used in this background report.

A random sample from the 2017-2018 list of tenders for workwear was examined closely for aspects deemed to lead to improved resource circularity and the influence of these on climate impact and resource consumption was assessed.

Two exploratory analyses were also carried out:

  1. An extrapolation projecting the likely climate gains and resource savings to be achieved with sum total of workwear contracts.
  2. An estimate of the impact if the workwear in all 93 contracts comprised 10% recycled materials.

Finally, as an inspiration for those working in procurement departments, the report has chapters on textile recycling and use of recycled textiles.



In close cooperation with Michiel Zijp and Anne Hollander (RIVM)